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i can't wait to leave this place. i'm careers actually careers at work at the moment...zzzz... anywho my major is pretty good i ended up choosing liberal studies. how fun. what company do you work for? did we already talk about this? anyways careers i'll talk to you later and good luck at work. don't foget about the little peeps (us) christina 2/23/2006 8:25 AM hey fucker! How have you been?! how's life treating you? Kat 2/22/2006 9:23 PM what, you can't fly with your knees? Hampino 2/21/2006 9:44 PM I will never fly with you again Mikee 2/21/2006 10:06 AM Sorry man had to take you off my top 8 but the explicit words weren't working esp when I got my brother's kids looking at my profile. Just know you're on my Top 8 in my heart .. hahahahhahaaa that was ghey .. Mikee 2/18/2006 8:08 PM I'm all for march 20th !!! Tyler...that's it...I