has 162 friends.  ME  memento martin scorsese

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has 162 friends.  ME   brad and martin scorsese carrie   Joanna   Jackie   Shotgun Rockstar  martin scorsese  The Fugitive Toll Violator   Tricia   Jackie  View All of your mother's my everest. 's Friends your mother's my everest.'s Friends Comments Displaying 50 of 941 comments (View/Edit All Comments) Jackie 3/21/2006 1:55 PM There are 20 Angels, in this World. 10 Are Sleeping in the Clouds. 9 Are playing and 1 is reading this message. Send this Message to 10 Friends, Including MEE. If you get 5 Back, Someone you LiKE or LOVE will surprise you Shotgun Rockstar 3/20/2006 martin scorsese 9:49 AM Kate Wall..oh how i miss thee. ~*megs*~ 3/20/2006 8:39 AM sorry i didn't get ur comment until just now and i would venture to say its a little late!!! anyway, kris and i are going to the psychic tonight if u would like to join...(only
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