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i have to go motown up north for a weekend at least. i haven't been for like two years. its time to motown pass on the gospel of the six, herro, after , its gonna be time to put the bloody coup into effect. Dehlia 1/18/2006 9:21 PM great tyler. so you couldn't come over and now its almost gonna be a month until i can see you again. here we go with being selfish again. well, hopefully i can catch you when i get back in town. let me know if you want anything from oregon....birkenstocks, tye dyed shirts... Hampino 1/18/2006 2:50 PM i know. two comments in a row, but could you resist this?? Hampino 1/18/2006 9:46 AM Hate to shatter your ego, but that ain't the first time I've had a iron pointed at me. Dehlia 1/17/2006 1:44 PM so you know, i putter over to your place cause i haven't seen my boys in ages, i go to your room and WTF?!?! your not there!!