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I said, "Noooo." She said, "Why?" I said, "Because I'm scared of the dark." "Would you like french/appendices/english french dictionary me to sing to you?" I said, "Noooo." She said, "Why?" "Because I'm scared french/appendices/english french dictionary of your singing." french/appendices/english french dictionary She said, "Well I'm going to sing to you anyway." -trav [2002-01-23 19:27:29] (2 comments) Date: 2002-01-23 01:20:47 (Author: trav) Link: http://travis.kroh.net/archives/000029.phtml I hate it when I fall in love with a bubble-gum pop song. It's almost painful to me. Anyway, if anyone can get a hold of Vanessa Carlton's MP3 "A Thousand Miles" I'll give you a year's wages. Comments: "i have an mp3 of 'a thousand miles'... let me know if you still need one and i'll upload it for you to download...but