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You know, I was thinking about the Blog Gods (one, two, georgia straight three, four, five, six, seven...) today, and georgia straight how I don't read them. I mean, I link Megnut over there, I read it from time to time, georgia straight and frankly, it's a decent blog. My main point here is Robot Wisdom. Everyone one earth finds Robot Wisdom to be the pimp when it comes to the God of blogs. Not only do I not read it. I think it sucks. Jakob Nielsen would have a fit. The design is shit, the headlines aren't very descriptive, and there are needless and inadequate abbreviations everywhere. Why this has become the Michael Jordon of weblogs is totally beyond me. Personally, I think a lot of it is self-perpetuating ass-kissing, but that's my theory. Screw Robot Wisdom; I think MeFi is a much more deserving Blog God. Comments: "Update the quoteboard, kid! I know it's unrelated, and I know you're busy, and I know I require 2 hours of attention a day minimum, but yeah. I like quotes."