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Simone: I did it when I was cameron crowe a freshman, and you'll do it when you're seniors. but you're doing great. Now fry like bacon, you little freshman cameron crowe piggies. Fry! Wooderson: Let me tell you what Melba Toast is packin' right here, alright. We got 4:11 Positrac outback, 750 double pumper, Edelbrock intake, bored over 30, 11 to 1 pop-up pistons, turbo-jet 390 horsepower. We're talkin' some fuckin' muscle. O'Bannion: What are you looking at? Huh? I'll kick your fucking ass, right now! What are cameron crowe you smiling at? Freshman faggot! [shoves Mitch] O'Bannion: Fuck all of you! Fuck you! Wooderson: Alright, alright, alright. Wooderson: Yeah, well, listen. You ought to ditch the two geeks you're in the car with now and get in with us. But that's alright, we'll worry about that later. I will see you there. All right? Pickford: Slater-san, how's it goin'? Slater: Fixin' to be a lot better, man. Dawson: Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did I the best I could while I was stuck in this place.