Not this year. International hannibal mister dreamwhip

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Not this year. International Women’s Day my ass. It’s a joke, a bandaid to be slapped on the fact that around the world women mister dreamwhip are treated as nothing but meat. I don’t think we should give up on what is a good idea just because the people in power are hypocrites. mister dreamwhip Indifference and cynicism does nothing but serve their interests more. I think we should make every day like International Women’s Day, and should be talking about and protesting these abuses, demanding that it should be made right. My biggest regret is that I mister dreamwhip can’t really write a letter to any Italian politician from the U.S. and expect them to care about my opinion when it’s next to impossible for me to vote them out of office from where I am. But sending letters to every Italian newspaper expressing my disgust at my own country? I think I can defintely do that. 47 moron Mar 8th, 2006 at 4:22 pm JR - the iraq invasion is a war crime — full stop.
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