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And french/appendices/exercises a lot of Americans concur. Far more at last count than disagree. We're all Helens now. :) by cskendrick on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 08:21:59 PM PDT [ Parent ] What pol meets with those who want them impeached? (none / 0) Cool... I understand that you can't respond to the whole thing, and neither can I. "Stunned to silence" That's your first lie. If you really were stunned into silence, you wouldn't have the rest of your post. But you did. "Kings used to behave like that." french/appendices/exercises Every politician ignores those who want french/appendices/exercises to impeach them. It would be completely stupid to try to address the "concerns" of those who drive an "impeach Bush" bus around. And thats Cindy Sheehan! "Not that it happened that way -- It most certainly did not!"