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New version of NonFree artists (20.4%). Applying this to the Iraq experience At the most optiistic, Iraq has enjoyed two years of Partly Free status; based on the persistency table, Iraq's presumably fully free, untampered January elections have an 8.3% chance of sticking this year, based on the 4962 2-year cases available to me. But there's good news: 10 years down the road, there's a 22% chance of success. That's what managed transition to freedom is good for, based on artists the 3358 available 10-year cases. But say you consider the Coalition Provisional Authority to have been a military dictatorship from afar -- in other words, that Iraq for most of the year 2003 was Not Free. If so, the chances of freedom ringing in Iraq in the year 2005 are, oh, 0.9%. Not too good. But, hey, no problemo -- the odds are 20% that freedom will prevail in post-occupied Iraq...in about the year 2022. But say we just throw our hands up, right now, and step back to Kuwait, ready to return at the drop of a hat to help freedom.