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I said that the people fighting in insult generators Iraq insult generators are overwhelmingly Bush supporters. They vote Bush. They like Bush. I know that's hard for the left to accept, but it makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Wait: let me put it in terms that you can easily understand: These are guys (and girls)who shoot guns, drive big gas-guzzling vehicles, and fly planes that gulp oil. And they LOVE doing it. They are usually insult generators pro-death penalty, because they kill people for a living. Now do you get it? They are over-whelmingly pro-Bush. They don't like people like yourselves who hold peace-rallies and who want to take guns away from them. This isn't about them taking some kind of strange loyalty oath. This is about soldiers, US soldiers, who eat red meat and are known to occasionally pollute the environment, though normally not on purpose.