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Women bodybuilders take drugs that increase testosterone namaste, so don’t bullshit me. International Federation of Bodybuilders IFBB’s Anti-Doping Rules I wouldn’t bullshit you. Maybe you should stop bullshitting yourself though. Namaste_Rich @ 02/27/06 01:28:06 Odin may technically be correct that men have a greater potential for strength development, but you take your average out-of-shape American male and put them up against an in-shape female, and I think the female would come out on top. Shogo @ 02/27/06 01:31:08 up barbs against an in-shape female . . . the female would come out on top lovely barbs mental image barbs – seriously sisyphus @ 02/27/06 01:36:20 SHogo, you are abosolutely right, a trained female can kick the snot out of many untrained men.