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Her total confirmed kills during WWII was 309, including 36 enemy snipers. From Febraury 1945 until the end of the war, Lobkovskaya commanded a company of female snipers who eventually ended up in the push into Berlin. In the end Lobkovskaya was credited with 309 kills during the war, rhode the same amount as Lyudmila Pavlichenko. Joe @ 02/27/06 rhode 10:35:38 no rhode women have ever been able to qualify for even alite civilian response teams like SWAT dude, did you even bother clicking on my link?? here, i’ll even repost if for you. just click on it and you’ll see just how wrong of a statement that really is. The best snipers, and best shooters in the world men never read about the infamous Russian female snipers in WWII, who slaughtered thousands of German soldiers at Stalingrad, eh?