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then I pictured a small animal laughing and it t shirts was better :)" -Nic [2002-03-07 12:28:24] "I'm the idiot who took French. Je ne sais pas." -Melissa [2002-03-07 22:04:09] ""The cockroaches can get in, but they cannot get out!" " -D* [2002-03-08 08:23:35] "your page is so much fun !!! Donde rayos puede entrar una cucaracha para que no pueda salir???" -Diana , the mexican [2002-03-08 15:11:10] "ich habe eine schone popo" - [2002-03-08 20:50:23] (6 comments) Date: 2002-03-06 21:54:13 (Author: ) Link: So, I'm working at the Service Center tonight, when we get a complaint about someone t shirts looking at t shirts porn in one of the side clusters. Not really uncommon, we usually try to grab their name and kick them out.