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The human gene pool has just been knocked down a full peg, A FULL PEG I TELL YOU! 5. Posted by jennifer11 on February 7, 2006 09:42 AM I hope that photo DOES send her to french/appendices/french english dictionary jail. What an fucking moron french/appendices/french english dictionary to put her child in danger like that. 6. Posted by ESQ french/appendices/french english dictionary on February 7, 2006 09:42 AM She is probably pulling a "Rainman" only driving on the driveway on Sundays. Then I think Rainman burnt his brother with hot water in the tub, which is why he was shipped off to the institution. I see white trash people do this all the time, pile all the kids in the Chevette, while the kids jump all over the car, driving way over the speed limit with the music blaring, cigarette hanging' from the side of her mouth and cursing at the kids saying something like, "All of yous better shut up and sit the fuck down while I am driving before I pull this car over and fetch me a switch on your asses!"