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But if the guy with the gun is 10 arab feet away your gung fu master will be dead quick please excuse me while i become a kung fu cliche…you can disagree with me and insult me all you like, but leave my arab art and my teachers out of it. you clearly don’t understand the first thing about either. to answer your silly arab assertion though, if the guy with the gun was 10 feet away, it’s just a matter of getting them close enough to disarm them – which isn’t as hard as it sounds. all of my teachers survived confrontations with armed attackers in this manner. you seem to be under the impression that gungfu is only a set of physical techniques – understandable coming from an MMA afficianado i suppose, but it’s far more than that. Hand to hand combat IS a secondary weapon incorrect in the case of the Samurai. trust me, martial arts history and theory is not a topic you really want to debate with me.