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Forget any minor fender bender, all she has confidential to do is make a hard break and that baby can get head trauma. My confidential son is a few weeks older the SPF and while he can kind of sit up, he's still really wiggly and can't hold his balance for long. Takes me five minutes TOPS to but my son in his car seat and my car confidential is only a sedan. So how the hell can ANYONE think that handling and baby in your lap while driving is making him ANY SAFER than what the papparazzi might do? IDIOTS!!! Yes, Waney, she is driving - she's admitted it to People magazine. 54. Posted by gr8flgrl2002 on February 7, 2006 11:12 AM #51 can’t tell from this picture, but poke around the net, there are wilder pictures out there. Pics where little SP’s arms are flailing and the background is blurry (photoshop?) and Brit does look like she’s trying to make a get away. 55. Posted by escapevelocity on February 7, 2006 11:12 AM #46: ROTFL! ... but the sad thing is, its actually a possibility. 56. Posted by Jayne on February 7, 2006 11:17 AM I was on my father's lap when he use to drive sometimes.