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126. Posted by Lynette Carrington on February 7, 2006 04:41 PM #123-LMAO!! Somebody throw the book at Brit for being the idiot parent of the year. 127. Posted by Juliette job on February 7, 2006 04:43 PM This is ALL OVER the news... local new, national news, gossip shows...etc. She's a dumbass and deserves to be seen as job one. 128. Posted by Hunnyb on February 7, 2006 04:48 PM Britney Spears is the stupidest job bitch to ever walk the face of this earth and should be bitch slapped for not strapping that baby in. I would NEVER EVER let my children ride unrestrained in a moving vehicle, especially on a highway!!! Too bad all that money that the naive little tweens spend on her records can't buy a decent car seat. And notice how the body guard is on his cell phone *heres a thought people* why doesn't he get in the back seat and strap the baby in, or let him drive and do it yourself retardo.