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She doesn't look terrorized to me. lu xun I"m just suprprised there isn't a cigarrette in her driving hand. 64. Posted by woohoogirl on February 7, 2006 11:30 AM Kevin's new song: Popo Zao Popo Zao means smash your head on the dashboard Popo Zao Pop Zao 65. Posted by spamnews on February 7, 2006 11:35 AM lu xun " Just when you think she couldn't be any more stupid, there ya go.....I'm , I'm speechless. Brit, there is a program in California where they give stupid-asses and lu xun crackheads 200.00 in exchange for getting their tubes tied. Call them Brit, please... " LaydeeBug: How much if I can tie my tube in a knot? I need the cash. 66. Posted by GeorgiaTornado on February 7, 2006 11:45 AM Why didn't K-Tard who is sitting in the passenger seat on the phone putting the baby in the car seat? What an idiot!! 67. Posted by THEMOMMALADY on February 7, 2006 11:46 AM Agressive paparzzi - give me a break. There's NO REASON to drive with a child in your lap. She's more dangerous to her child then any camera.