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MAXAMILLION, BELFAST, MAINE Mommy does it all. If Im wiping my ass and a wordpress 1.5 little shit gets on my finger, I freak the fuck out. Same reason I have no pets, because it just smells like the animals ass all up and down the house. I cant even have a goldfish, because Ill be high, trying to eat a bowl of cereal, and look at it and be like, Why the eyes gotta be on both sides of the head? Why those wordpress 1.5 scales be wordpress 1.5 movin? Freak me the fuck out! Im a gay hip-hop fan. Do you think there will ever be an openly gay gangsta rapper? NIGHTSHADEZ83, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA I dont think any gay dude is gangsta, period. How many gangsters you know, from Al Capone up to John Gotti, been gay? You cant be fuckin people in the ass and say youre gangsta. Im against gay marriage, too.