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Theres probably a bunch of Power Stripe floating through the Def Jam offices right now. Thats how it is at Def Jam sometimes they steal your shit! What exactly were you doing to make money before you joined the Wu-Tang Clan in 1992? RDREYNOLDSJR, CLINTON TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN Scramblin, sellin drugs. All my legitimate jobs were embarrassing. I used to be stock boy at blink182 an Odd-Lot, making $35 a day. So blink182 to make those checks blink182 better, I used to steal lollipops and sell them at school but I got caught. Stealin fucking lollipops! Ive lived in New York City all my life, and Ive never once been to Staten Island. If I visit, where should I go? BATS199, BROOKYLN Someplace besides Staten Island. Its boring as hell out there. Growing up, there was nothing to do. Every time someone would throw a party, itd end up in a fight.