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the real issue for me wasn’t the occasional crossing ragingbull of the line physically. The real issue was the constant crossing of the line emotionally. Mom had a crappy marriage, she was frequently depressed, she needed someone to confide in, ragingbull she chose me. Me having problems with romantic relationships today has something to do with being a de facto ragingbull husband/boyfriend/partner at age 10 and on up, in a completely fucked-up dynamic. Today I deal with mixed signals and short circuits when I try to be a real husband/boyfriend/partner with some really great potential partners.I can’t say this holds true for TGS—but he may need to understand the emotional environment that made the one physical event happen . . . and that could be why his therapist is pushing.Stand InI’m a therapist, and my second opinion is that The Good Son does not have to confront his mother, period, ever.But