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Furniture sex. Comments: "Travelonious, I thought I told you not to say that word. " -D* [2002-07-11 08:45:09] "Furniture! Furniture! Furniture! Furniture!" -trav [2002-07-11 11:18:21] "You heard me, Lovemonkey. You know I'm sensitive after those news nasty movers broke all my ... *gulp*... furniture." -D* [2002-07-12 09:51:09] "Travis, you scare me...;o)And to think news that just after I watched that, Melissa and Nicole had the nerve to leave a message on my answering machine saying that they LOVED ME!!! (I told you guys about all that MUSH!) ;o) ~Lee Ann" -Lee Ann [2002-07-14 16:57:02] (4 comments) Date: news 2002-07-10 15:44:30 (Author: trav) Link: I want. I want. I want. Comments: "Should this be cause for alarm or something?