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Comments: "It's just that they don't want you to think that they're stupid. The powers that be know that i am when it comes to certain computer thingies. " -bianca [2002-07-03 21:23:01] "I usually think I don't know what I'm doing. Better?" -D* [2002-07-04 12:00:51] "Especially when they argue rude with you, who work with computers all day, every day about something you KNOW won't work, but they hold fast to the belief it will. rude Those who freely admit they do not know are much easier rude to work with. " -Mgr. Nick [2002-07-06 17:10:13] "Mgr. Nick, if you're callin' me easy, my brother will kick your ever-lovin' butt clear across Texas. " -D* [2002-07-09 09:08:45] (4 comments) Date: 2002-07-02 11:42:41 (Author: trav) Link: