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(Milwaukee Journal, 30 Sept 90: J1+10) Is Your Ex-Wife in the Movies? In his review of the recent movie Back Street Jane, Robert Howington informs us that Sheila fucking free Ivy Traister "does an awesome job of playing a psycho bitch from Hell." (Experiment in Words 2/6, Spring 91: 11) New Terms blackout a restaurant or store taken over and controlled by a group of (young) Negroes [who leave without paying for the food or goods]. Used by restaurant managers. (SJMN, 24 Jan fucking free 92: 1B. Tom S.) Cadillac Commie one who hypocritically supports Communism fucking free and Marxism and mouthes their theories but who lives like a capitalist. Recent synonym for limousine liberal. (Jonathan W.) -- German equivalents: Salonkommunist and Salonbolschewik; from Salon "drawing-room, parlor." Such hypocritical types exist mainly in Cacademia. crotch rocket motorcycle, esp.