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I don’t understand anyone who doesn’t feel the same way. Posted in record The Unbearable Wrongness record of Moore • U.S. Military • War • (104) Comments • (1) Trackbacks • Permalink • Discuss in the forums Originally posted at Right Thoughts Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Smash has the storyPosted by JimK on 02/28 at 08:45 PM • E-mail this to record a friend Why isn’t the mainstream media this good at asking tough questions? DEBORAH JOHNS: And this gentleman is absolutely correct, because it’s Debbie Argel. The Williams… I have over 1200 families that have sent you requests… CINDY SHEEHAN: Sent me requests? I’m not in charge of those memorials. DEBORAH JOHNS: ...California, spoke with you personally, on the telephone, and demanded that you stop using her son’s name.