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I think that since I sent that email to you last week telling you what I thought of you and how much you had fucking well hurt me and you coming back on the defensive was just an excuse to make me feel bad. Don't lay your bull shit guilt trips on me. It reviews doesn't work. You are not my father and you never will be. I don't think I can ever reviews forgive you for hurting me in the way that you have. You have no idea how deeply your rejection has cut through me. For 22 years I've had to live without you. For 22 years I've had to deal with the idea that perhaps I didn't deserve you is love. For 22 years I've asked myself what did I do wrong? For 22 years you ignored me and I hate you for that. I hate you so to me you are dead. link To my father, Thank you, for ruining my bloody fucking day. I hate you and I wish you would die. No, I do NOT need to say 'excuse me' when you're the one in the way! I am SO sick of all your bullshit, telling me how to live, and how my life should be. And when I stick up for myself, telling me to not "Smart off".