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please continue =] COMMENT | VH Better with Hagar? posted by : Zoo Keeper3/4/2006 5:23:44 PM Fucking cluesless cocksmokers.... COMMENT | posted by : gr_19883/4/2006 5:25:12 PM imagine VH with Morrisay as their mainman. =] i don't y said tht cause am listening to the smiths n reading this COMMENT | HEY!!!!!!! posted by : Deaft0ne3/4/2006 5:27:04 PM FUCK YOU gr_1988!!!!!!!!!!!! GO verbal abuse DANCE IN TRAFFIC NOW!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! COMMENT | posted by : verbal abuse gr_19883/4/2006 5:28:44 PM lol if deftones were'nt verbal abuse one of ma fav bands then i would b angry but nonetheless thanks for the compliment much appreciated =] COMMENT | posted by : gr_19883/4/2006 5:29:02 PM ;) COMMENT | np posted by : Deaft0ne3/4/2006 5:33:19 PM I like Deftones some too but my name isn't from that. SATYRICON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!