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"Watching Jerry Seinfeld on stage is like watching a fucking accountant," says comedian Andrew Dice Clay. "It's just so absolutely god-awful. I would rather watch a Monday night amateur who doesn't know any better try to create something funny rather than going, job 'Have you been to McDonald's lately?' job Yeah, I have. What's so funny about it? The fries are good. You put me on stage, I'm the greatest stand-up ever in the history of American culture." For job a short while, that statement may not have been far from the truth, considering any controversy surrounding Clay's plain, straightforward blue humor predated the South Park franchise by well over a decade. Single evening engagements with Dice packed tens of thousands of screaming fans into auditoriums all across America, and filled Madison Square Gardens to capacity on more than one occasion. Andrew Clay Silverstein started practicing comedy at age twenty.