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The controversy continued the following year when Dice's booking as guest host for Saturday Night Live caused cast member Nora Dunn to boycott the show in protest restaurants of his remarks about restaurants women. Dunn never returned to the cast. Meanwhile, other comedians didn't understand what was so funny. They analyzed transcripts of his material - and, well, they couldn't find any actual jokes. Entertainers on the comedy circuit (George Carlin and Bill Cosby, chief among them) grew concerned. The "Diceman" had effectively dumbed down audience attention spans, conscious engagement, and expectation. Dice was an abstract threat who made restaurants it seem like comedy without dick jokes somehow lacked value. His ridiculous nursery rhymes were warping the bell curve. And besides, it hardly seemed fair that brilliant, mind-expanding satirists like Bill Hicks were forced to labor away in relative obscurity while "controversial" Dice graduated to celebrity millionaire status.