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You once got, er, very attached to 'White Christmas' but I slapped independant journalism that-, I THRASHED THAT OUT OF YOU!! CLIVE: Mother, could you tell me how I got on with, with Father in those early years? DEREK: Oh yeah, in those early years, your father, well, you didn't see much of your father 'cause your father worked independant journalism for the Coal Board and he was, er, he was trapped in a mine for about ten years. No, I tell a lie, ten days. And, erm, when he came out he was, he independant journalism was, he was a changed man. I think he'd seen ..... coal - or God - and, erm, (enormous belch), 'scuse me! erm, it's the hysterectomy, erm ..... I remember once he was carrying you down the stairs and you fell down the stairs ..... CLIVE: I fell down the stairs? DEREK: Yes, ..... CLIVE: Wh- DEREK: ..... but! He protected you. He held you straight out in front of him to break his fall, and he, he fell with you on the, on the concrete.