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That Matters. Communism never meant the rounding and killing up of anybody with a penchant for political dissent, but it always seems to happen. OdinPatrick @ 02/27/06 00:26:43 Forbes sez: meh sisyphus @ 02/27/06 00:37:36 Shogo, there is less than 100 female bodybuilders, and sadly many of them do illegal drugs to look that way, and some have turned into men (no lie). Here is a interesting thing to chew on. The record holder for male weightlifting at 56kg goldie lookin chain your mother's got a penis letras (124lb) is stronger than the olympic record goldie lookin chain your mother's got a penis letras holder for women over 75+kg(165lb). The strongest 124 goldie lookin chain your mother's got a penis letras pound man is stronger than any women on the face of the earth ever has been, that includes 6’3 200 pound women competing in olympics, or male-to-be bodybuilders.