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And so on and so on. My 112 pounds can squat 150% of my body weight because of vigorous training. But the male couch potato will do more. Now factor in the very physically fit males and the discrepancies are mind-boggling. Is there a lesson to be bangs learned there? Will the Equality Peoples ever open their eyes to the facts?” http://www.lewrockwell.com/decoster/decoster83.html OdinPatrick @ 02/27/06 02:09:37 Forbes sez: meh Word. Snark @ 02/27/06 07:24:09 “Men are aggresive by Nature, they bangs rape” As usual, a serious issue – rape in the bangs military – is twisted beyond recognition by a man who thinks that it’s natural to want to rape women. Joe @ 02/27/06 07:42:05 is physical strength really the most important attribute to have in the military? what about snipers, computer operators, pilots, medics, technicians, etc….jobs that are absolutely necessary to the military that require a minimum of physical strength? isn’t endurance a far more useful trait than brute strength on a battlefield?