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That is like saying it’s not Israel, neo-cons or Bush regime that is killing soldiers in Iraq ummm, no it’s not…because you see, “equality” is an intangible ideal, while Israel, Neo-cons and the Bush regime are all groups of human beings whose decisions and policies sent soldiers to the gulf. “equality” allowed women into the military. idiot men who think they know “a woman’s place” are the ones raping them now that doctor they’re in. Number5Toad @ 02/27/06 09:30:58 any given day i’d doctor happily go to the mat with the biggest, strongest guys in doctor the dojo, but you know who i absolutely hated to fight? the tiny, 5’2”, 100lb girl – she was absolutely brutal and vicious. When I took shotokan, one of the best fighters at my dojo was a young girl. She was brutal and vicious as well. Never saw her lose a sparring match. Shogo @ 02/27/06 09:33:00 redoubt @ 02/27/06 09:40:37 Oboviously redoubt you don’t knowthing about athletics, no women have ever been able to qualify for even alite civilian response teams like SWAT.