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But, this year, everything seemed to be coming to a pretty happy close. Made a pretty good friend with Andrew upstairs. A rocky start, but it's evened out. We even got them presents, and all sorts of gunk. He lives with his cancer-ridden and god-filled mother, his girlfriend/fiancé, and baby girl. Everything was fine until the day before yesterday. Went to the splash grocery store he works at with him before Kim went splash to splash work so we could scope out the Black Santa they had people taking pictures with. A sight to behold, I must say. His girlfriend was already there and took pictures of his daughter with Mr. Black Santa. On the way back she was talking about how his mother yells at her and calls her dirty names when he's not there. How she gets this crazy look in her eyes and just walks up to her looking like she's going to kill her. She yells at her about how she ruined Andrews life and all this stuff. He doesn't have much to say. I tell her I know how she feels sometimes. I tell her she can come down later that night when he goes to work and hang in our apartment so he doesn't have to deal with her mom but she doesn't.