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I apologize. I'm not asking of sympathy or help, that's requiem for a dream it. The source of my bitterness is something unfixable and irreversible and I know that. I'm thankful to know that, and to know that I have no reason to be bitter, but I am. Petty things make a big impression in a child's mind. Perception is skewed when you're young and so are the memories. This is my way of fixing it, and getting it requiem for a dream out there and analyzing it helps. requiem for a dream That is what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for the knowledge of myself. The reason behind all my problems being sought out in my wandering thoughts. I'm thankful for my seemingly natural ability to make any situation worth smiling about. I can enjoy any moment, and sometimes it pisses the fuck out of Kim, but that's OK. I can look back on the bad things, smile, and tell you about them, because I know these are the moments that make up my life in my mind, and I can't do anything about them except belittle them myself.