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And poor old Zeus in Olyimpus's roof, has lost a tooth With a poof, the horse's hoof, becomes the truth which is aloof. Soof and toof Loop north by northeast and poop yousuloof totenfroof sootedoof withernthoof Fuck off, asshole. HER She north by northeast talked lovely about Milton Fuck Milton She loved that crazy Eliot guy and his Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock Fuck Eliot. Fuck J.Alfred Prufrock. Fuck is love song. She had no idea north by northeast who Manuel Gonzalez Prada was. He was Peruvian. Fuck him. Fuck Peru. James Joyce's Dubliners was a favourite of hers. Fuck James Joyce. No really, fuck James Joyce. Fuck James Joyce. Fuck James Joyce. She was kind of keen on Dostoyevsky's The Possessed. Fuck James Joyce. Dante? Yeah, fuck him too. No real reason. Fuck the cross. Fuck Jesus. Fuck you. Arthur Miller was a communist. Fuck The Crucible. Fuck the communists. Needly to say, Fuck Arthur Miller.