stage, pacific northwest, chow, cinema, bc independant media, venues, fucking free, t shirt hell, sauna, lampoon, metrotimes, message, thestranger, e cards, stranger, pathetic geek stories, regional internet registry, piercings, larry david, kosovo,
The promoters think, Well, if we can use this one hall we can get 10,000 people, but cameron crowe if we use the one cameron crowe around the corner we can get 20,000 people and make twice as much money. Like at the Forum, how can you get into any band in a place like that? Also, they ought to have one fixed price, because whos got the money to pay for cameron crowe the good seats? At the Forum its the straight people who want to know what its all about, their fathers a lawyer or something, and they just sit here and... "and here he went into a pantomime, putting his face into the most insipidly uncomprehending expression imaginable, staring straight up in utter solemnity and making with a few slow, stiff claps, like a paraplegic wheeled up to the edge of the stage at a telethon" ...and then you look at the back of this fucking cavern and theyre all scroungy, normal people, going Aaarrrgggghhhhhhhhh..." Rock concerts and halls are a bit perplexing, these days.