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I wanted to have a good time not only because I like Black Sabbath but because you made me what to do in detroit want to, and I guess thats why Im pissed off, because except for a few minutes of churning and growling roar-along with "Children of the Grave" and the much-too-short "Paranoid," I just killed time that set, I just sat and waited half-hearing like I usually do at these thing, and it wasnt really anybodys fault, not even my own. I almost wonder if I dont what to do in detroit prefer it when everybodys drugged and obnoxious. When you took off what to do in detroit your shirt it didnt have quite the James Brown drama of Mark Farners customary symbolic Unveiling Of The Plowboy Rock Prince biceps, but it was a nice gesture anyway and one of the two crazy teenage girls behind me who squealed for you all night yelled, "Take it all off, Ozzy!"