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Reynolds, Project AA Analysis of Female Smokers, 1983 July 19 (RJR, 501759283-9314 Tobacco Resolution) Brown older dog & Williamson, prepared by Geer Dubais, Staying ahead of a moving target 1989 January (B&W, 300120527-300120531,Tobacco Resolution) Marlboro Women, July 1995, Philip Morris, Tobacco Resolution 2040180402-443 R.J.Reynolds,1984, June 14 (RJR, 500627236-7237, Tobacco Resolution) Brown & Williamson, prepared by Geer Dubais, Staying ahead of a moving target, 1989 older dog January (B&W, 300120527-300120531,Tobacco Resolution) Office Of National Statistics, Results from the 1996 general household survey. Published by the Stationary Office. U.S Tobacco Journal, Cigarette Executives Expect Added Volume, older dog 1950, (26),3, quoted in US Department of Health and Human Services, Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People, A report of the Surgeon General, US Department of Health and Human Services, Public health Service, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, National Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and health,1994, p166 American Tobacco Vice President Charles Mullen, Quoted in Eden NC News 1983 Nov 10 (tobacco resolution) British American Tobacco,
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