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Cindy Sheehan ante'd up a son on behalf of America, which is as much as any Republican has done, and far more than most. Bush gave 1999 her the brush-off the first 1999 go-around. That's not acceptable, or accountable. I think its best to call things as they are. Cindy is all about defending her rights to free speech, while getting a little edgy about people who are calling her nuts. Nothing of the sort. Cindy has been civil and fair even 1999 in the face of massive Republican provocation, even to the point of setting estranged relatives (who hardly knew Casey, and yet claim ownership of him) against her. And getting so worked up about a private individual that you cannot possibly know seems a bit...over the top. Your thoughts on your own emotional well-being, please? The quotes you offer up "For my effort in trying to awaken America to the dirty tricks and fraud of our government and for trying to call attention to the fact that thousands of people are dying and in harm's way in Iraq for the lies, I am often called a traitor, terrorist supporter, Jane Fonda, unpatriotic, etc.