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What submit in the world are you submit talking about? When judgement comes? And they call US the religious nuts? "One woman, one small voice, one small request has seized up the entire GOP noise machine." Correction: she's become the new poster girl for the left, and has taken the last remnants of the Valerie Plame, oh, I mean Valerie Wilson, affair, out of the MSM. "This happened back in late March over Terri Schiavo. The difference is that this time, the woman in question submit actually is alive and aware, and clearly does not need Republicans to speak on her behalf..." Ironically, you see this as an advantage. In Cindy's case, I think she'd be much more sympathetic if she couldn't speak. She comes off as angry and vile. And the thought isn't lost on me that the left wanted Terri to die. "...and in fact has things to say that the GOP cannot bear to hear, or tolerate others hearing: the truth."