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What? Did you actually say "do my own thinking"??? You suggest, strongly, that anyone who thinks differently from you doesn't do their own thinking. "I know many soldiers and veterans who are Republicans, and yet have serious qualms 100 miles and runnin' about this president." I live in Chicago. Every racist I've met/know is a Democrat. That doesn't mean that all racists are 100 miles and runnin' Democrat, nor does it mean that Democrats tend to be racists. "If 100 miles and runnin' you really feel the military is overwhelmingly what you please. The troops will surely back you." They already do. Moreover, they support GWB. This is something I'll never understand: how the left thinks that they have the support of the troops, even though its clear that they don't like the military. -John by ChicagoJohn on Mon Aug 15, 2005 at 11:43:30 AM PDT [ Parent ] The approval of military and their families (none / 0) Oh, I think the stop-loss and backdoor draft policies of the Bush administration have done significant damage to whatever Republican bias the military ever had.