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This is the thing that drives me nuts about the left: its not just George W. Bush who wants to be in Iraq. I do too. So do the poems majority of Republicans, some independents, and two or three liberals. Believe it or not, we've heard all of your rants about "war poems for oil", and we've read the Downing Street memos. The "War for poems Oil" doesn't hold up, because if we wanted Iraq's oil, we could have just lifted the embargo that we put on Iraqi oil. The Downing Street memos prove that we were really worried about WMD. (They actually speculate on how public reaction will be if our soldiers get attacked by WMD on the first day of the war.) Its not just GWB. The vast majority of Iraqis are cool with us being there. Now how did that happen??? -John by ChicagoJohn on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 09:45:15 PM PDT [ Parent ] The vast majority of Iraqis love us being there (none / 0) Is that why it's safer for Westerners to walk the streets of Teheran than the streets of Baghdad?