personals, compactflash, goodfellas(two disc special edition), savage, photos, white, frank dileo, charles scorsese, photography, metro times, robert b. weide, concerts, margo winkler, tech, song dynasty, sell, rock star, showtimes, watch my life,
That means that tonight parking was a major bitch. I did my circle of the block and cheryl hines came back around to wait at a light at the intersection that would allow me turn left to start my search over again. Allow me to describe the road I was on: There are three lanes going cheryl hines one way and three lanes going another way. To the side there are two lanes coming from the beach area who will need cheryl hines to cross in front of us. The three lanes going my way turn in to two lanes going straight and one lane that will turn left. Those of us who wish to turn left are sitting at the red light, waiting our turn while the other two lanes next to us whiz by on their way to being dipshits elsewhere in town. We wait and wait and wait and wait and wait. Finally the light turns green. JUST as the light turned green and I’m getting ready to take my left, some fucking twit in a large van comes barrelling down the road from the two lanes next to us on our right, crosses over and flings himself right in front of me, slams on his brakes and then does a U-turn causing the rest of us to slam on our brakes and me to almost slam in to the left back end of his vehicle.