personals, compactflash, goodfellas(two disc special edition), savage, photos, white, frank dileo, charles scorsese, photography, metro times, robert b. weide, concerts, margo winkler, tech, song dynasty, sell, rock star, showtimes, watch my life,
Why is not ok for me to point my finger in a cop’s face and scream at them to just plant their backstreet boys asses at this intersection and watch the way these fools drive? If they did that? You would never receive another phone call asking for a donation to the Policeman’s backstreet boys Ball. They would have enough money to throw a week long festival on a luxury cruise line every year. They would make so much money, this town would never need to raise its taxes for backstreet boys anything because all the schools, roads, construction, grants, etc would be paid for if they would just sit on this street and ticket every fucking tool who got in to a car. They would have to hire more policemen just for that purpose. Employment would be up, wages would be higher, taxes would be lower, the roads would be as smooth as a baby’s butt and they would eventually be safer.