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Personal insults are seen as boorish and uneducated, and generally avoided in such multiethnic, multireligious communities where racial and religious sensitivities are often boiling just below the surface. When cricket was first introduced to the westernised elites of South Asian society, these groups adopted the ocweekly concepts of fair play in the traditional English sense when playing cricket. Players raised in such a cricketing subculture consequently found it hard to accept, or handle sledging in the Australasian ocweekly fashion. Many controversies have arisen out of these very different cultural prisms. In recent years however South Asian teams have become adept at ocweekly sledging in their own fashion, notably Sri Lanka, which has used Australian coaches and coaching methods since the mid 1990s (Note the examples of wicketkeeping sledges by Kumar Sangakarra above, who is renown as being able to get under the skin of opposing batsman.)