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i dont blame her for calling the police having weed affiliate in the house is putting her at risk. respect your parent choices or at least be more careful if you dont. weedman on Sat 10, Dec 2005 20:38i whould of beat affiliate my moms ass if she called tha cops on me LadySmokerInMI on Fri 28, Oct 2005 00:11I thank whatever anyone believes in as god every damn day that my mother is an actual person instead of a retarded bitch living in a bad remake of Steel Magnolias like some people's moms. When my affiliate mom found out that I smoke weed, she actually did the research and became so pro-mary that it would make your teeth hurt. Smurf on Fri 07, Oct 2005 04:17What u gotta do.. you fucking moron - smoking pot is breaking a law - you should roll around in barbed wire with Magic Johnson Anti-Republican on Tue 20, Sep 2005 19:03Dude, thats