frank dileo, charles scorsese, photography, metro times, robert b. weide, concerts, margo winkler, tech, song dynasty, sell, rock star, showtimes, watch my life, style, sales, kill your mother, uruguayanspanish,
moms did the worst someone could ever do to a weed smoker..........had i been the officer i might have had to put the cuffs on your moms offence though..........i feel for u son........keep smokin girk on Sat 15, Jan 2005 23:48so, your mom did the lifetime movie thing and called the cops to help you which it never does it just makes it worse but comedy clubs even though you got kicked out of school,at least you didnt just stop you still went comedy clubs and got your ged and are going to college Mabye you can prove to her that pot comedy clubs heads arent pieces of shit Keith Ellam on Sat 25, Dec 2004 19:00Hello my name is Keith. I am 16 years old and I smoke weed to. I was wondering if anyone been arrested before and went to juvenile hall before? If anyone have please e-mail me at I just want to know what juvenile hall is like? 8=====0 on Mon 06, Dec 2004 22:46fuck the police you and your little nece smoke you with a peace 8'D butt cheeks on Mon 06, Dec 2004 22:38wee need a weed gallery or im to fucked up to find it FUCK_THE_POLICE on Thu 04, Nov 2004 16:12theofficer, ur a fucking bitch ass pig i hope u