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Well, fuck that! Krelats! Buffoon, imbecile Jebem ti mamicu dragu! I fuck your mommy-dearest! Nemoj da ma drkas! Don't fuck with me! (lit. Don't jerk me off!) Pun mi kurats! how i met your mother tv show I've had it up to here! (lit. My cock is full!) Yebem te u how i met your mother tv show po shupka I'll fuck you in the middle of your asshole Idi setaj kozu Go walk your skin (masturbate) Nasisaj mi se kite Suck my dick Picka ti skocila na nos Damn you! (lit. A pussy jumps on your nose) Srchi budzu Suck my big dick Jebem ti mrtvo dete u kolevci I fuck your dead child in a cradle Jebem ti chedo nesaranjeno I fuck your unburied child Jebem ti trulu sisu mrtve matere! I'll fuck the rotten tit of your dead mother! Jebem ti sonse Fuck you Polizi mi jajce Lick my balls Ja ti jebem mamicu I fuck your mother Zalim tvoju majku I play sex games with your mom Da bi te majka prepoznala u bureku.
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