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Propisaces majcino mleko. You will piss your mother's milk. (A threat) Da Bog da ti pantljicare izlazile iz supka a ulazile u usta. May God give you tapeworms issuing from your asshole and entering into tshirts your mouth. Nek ti zeni mesto mleka iz dojki curila kiselina. Let acid instead of milk seep tshirts from your wife's breast. Da Bog da budes tako siromasan da izdrkotinom hranis decu. May God make you so poor that you feed your children with your own cum. Jebacu te dok ne prokrvaris a ti ces me moliti za jos. I will fuck tshirts you till you start to bleed and you'll be begging me for more. Jebacu ti sunce krvavo. I'll fuck your bleeding sun. (a threat) Da Bog da ti detetu falio hromozon. May God give that your children miss a chromosome. Mislis da si uhvatio Boga za muda. You think that you caught God to his balls. (You think that you did something very important.) Da Bog da gledao svoja pluca u tegli sa formalinom. May God give you to watch your own lung in a jar. Swearing Generators Jokes Slang Home Copyright © 2005